
Fascinating, scary, deep, daring … The qualifiers are not lacking when it comes to evoke the black in the decoration. Often regarded as sad by most individuals, this shade is a special touch to be used in an interior, whether in small touches or total look. If black has its qualities, you must also know how to play with its faults! My custom interior tells you today how to use it at home, sublimate it and make it an ally of choice.

Black: do or do not?

In My Custom Home, we do not prohibit any chromatic field. But black is one of the essential colors in the palette – even if it is not always considered as such – and has largely its card to play in decoration! Long shunned because considered too gloomy, the black today makes a smashing return in the pages of the magazines as in our interiors. It must be said that its many qualities make it a true asset in decoration! Black gives depth and intensity to a room, but it also highlights volumes or architectural elements. Sober and refined, it is ideal to bring contrast with a lighter color or simply to modernize a space.

Black is ideal for structuring space like here, this simple staircase (photo: Pinterest)

So, how to use black to be to his advantage? The total look, rather reserved for atypical spaces, is to be used sparingly because it can quickly darken the room: however the satin paintings counteract this disadvantage by reflecting the light in a subtle way while bringing depth to your space. Black is much more intense when it is used to decorate a single piece of wall or a specific element, whether it is a parquet floor, a staircase, an alcove or even the supervision of a window. The decorator Sarah Lavoine has also perfectly retained the lesson and does not hesitate to use the black to emphasize the volumes of the apartments she relooks. On the walls, do not hesitate to choose a beautiful matte black for the powdery appearance, at Farrow & Ball or Flament, two references in the field.

Which deco styles are best suited to black?

At the same time modern and classic, wise and wild, the black marries to many styles. Associated with natural materials and warm colors, it brings a touch of modernity to ethnic environments. Used for its graphic advantages, it subtly enhances the light and pastel shades of Scandinavian interiors. The classic or Art Deco styles swear by this chromatic field that plays the card of contrast when it is associated with brass, white and gold elements, very present.

Finally, black is the prerogative of the industrial style, and mixes well with shades of gray and natural tones.

Black and industrial style? A love story that has always lasted! (Photo: For Interior)

With which colors to associate it?

Nothing stops the black, not even the navy blue that has long been decried as associated. Here again everything is about colors and materials and the answer depends mainly on the desired rendering and style of your interior … To bring elegance and timelessness, combine black with white, marble, accessories brass, a beautiful parquet in solid wood … in short noble materials that form the essence of Haussmann ambiences and classical style.

Black and white? The timeless association! (Photo Krista Keltanen)

With the warm colors, the black put this time on the contrasts: we dare the combination black / bright red in the kitchen, black / yellow curry in the living room or black / ocher to modernize this rather classic mineral shade. In the room, prefer a softer palette in which the pale blue, the moss green or the old rose will find their place with a touch of black.

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